You might be wondering what kind of stories you can expect to find in Oh Reader. Below are some examples of the types of articles we publish. If you want to try your hand at writing something for us, we are open for submissions; head over here and tell us your story!

the book that saved my life

No matter how you approach a book, there’s a likelihood that it will give to you more than you were expecting.

The Book that made me question everything

Books often validate our experiences, but sometimes they challenge our worldview. Just one book (nonfiction, fiction, poetry) can make us completely reevaluate our perceptions.


Has anyone ever shamed your reading material with a verbal sneer (for example: “You’re reading that?” accompanied by a slight lip curl and a haughty tone)? Sadly, some books are relegated to sneer territory—think popular fiction as opposed to literary fiction—but a little bit of trash provides delicious escapism, and is totally underrated.


Many an adventure has begun between the pages of a novel. Great writing can transport you to another place… but sometimes, you just have to go and see it for yourself.

Some like to read on busy trains while others prefer quiet nooks in the library. We look at the coziest, comfiest, weirdest places to get your read on.

Your reading spot

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